UPDATENon-Satire (or most) within the update
: Someone on Facebook (A hidden society) has linked this review.) Please be aware that Jett or whoever on there is talking trash about others in private.
Butthurt much? Butthurt wolfaboo, idk?
Nope, didn't bother to even read the comment on here.. I might later, but hey!
I'm not doing anything different on here than what he does: Calls others works flaws. Because it's not his thing or just does..
Let's help make this artist better shall we? Alrighty!
After looking at it, I already noticed over 3 horrible flaws.
One of the biggest flaws is that it's a wolf. I hate wolves, and the worst of all, is that it's black, and a wolf.
We seen this a million times, the color black is stupid, and wolfies are stupid.
Yet, what is with the realism? This isn't realism, this is just plain cartoony!
It should of looked like this!
That's BETTER. The only 'right' art stylez!! It's real. Very real.
Oh wait, it has a 'black wolf' in it.. I...... umm..
Let's look at the writing shall we?
EEK, horrible. What the hell is this??
It's just stupid, I mean 'come on guyz'?
And this: "He also is madly in love with Swiftkill, and has been since childhood."
It would of been worse if it was correctly spelled out as "He's also madly in love with Swiftkill, and has been since childhood." Thank god.
- Drawing 1/10. Should work on it big time
- Art Style 1/10
- Personal Choice 1/10
- Originality 1/10
- Writing 1.2/10
Out of my own personality, it's horrible and it's my opinions so I'm not stupid.
Don't ever look forward to his art guys.
It's not worth your time.